Now Available | Stacey Sansom Designs Publication | Weekly Dinner Plan: Planning Dinner One Week at a Time

Some of you might have noticed that there were some random changes on the website. I do not want you to panic, you will still be able to get all my great services without the stress. I am trying to optimize the website for faster load times. I am also trying to move things around to be more logically located and easier to find in general. I also had to make room for upcoming product additions like my books.

Please let me introduce my first book, Weekly Dinner Plan: Planning Dinner One Week at a Time

Yes, I wrote a book

It was a surprise to most people. I did not tell many souls that I was even considering it. I have been kicking around the idea repeatedly over the last decade and a half. I even started a few outlines. I trashed a few outlines. This past January, I said “enough is enough” and set myself a very lofty goal of writing at least 1 book per month in 2021. I got started in January. I just finished the first book and we are now well into September.

“Write” is a loose term

I did in fact publish the book through the amazing help of Amazon KDP. I am officially published.

Using the term “write” in reference to this book is a very loose use of the term. Yes, I did write content for this book, but it is not a high-content book like a novel or even a technical manual. My first book is actually considered a low-content book. This is the same category as prompt journals and planners. There is content in the book. I did write that.

It is a planner

Weekly Dinner Plan: Planning Dinner One Week at a Time is a menu planner designed to help you tackle a year of making dinner in smaller chunks. One week at a time. While it is not an all-inclusive book on how to menu plan, it is a tool to help you get it done.

The book includes a section to create a list of your family’s favorite food items so that you can make sure that these are incorporated into your weekly plans. It is okay to eat the same things each week, but with menu planning, you can eat the same things while adding variety.

There are 52 weeks of planning pages. Each week is a 2-page spread and features boxes to help you remember the important things while staying flexible if your needs change. Don’t forget to plan for birthdays, holidays, and even take-out nights.

There is even a section for reflections on how your menu planning adventures are going.

The best part is that the planner is not dated so you can start today with planning the next full week’s meals.

It is available today!

Self-publishing a book on Amazon using KDP is not instantaneous, but it is pretty quick. I uploaded it in the wee hours of the morning on September 11, 2021. It was live and available for purchase on Amazon on September 14, 2021

Even quicker is that if you order today, you might actually get your copy before I get my “author copy” of the book. Make sure you get your copy today!

Needless to say, I am totally stoked about this! I finished it! It took me 9 months, but it takes that long to grow a human baby. We will just call this my newest baby.

What can you expect in the future?

I know a lot of people are asking if I have any more books. The answer is “not currently.”

I am working on a few more books, but I am a busy person so I will not be committing myself to complete the other 11 book ideas on my “goal list” before December 31, 2021. That is just not realistic.

Yes, there will be more books. You will have to be patient.

To stay up to date on any new releases, book parties, or anything book-related, make sure you sign-up for the Stacey Sansom Designs newsletter that is all about the books.

Don’t worry, I won’t SPAM your inbox with emails. These will only be 1-2 emails per month in the very best of months. So go ahead and hit that submit but above!

I’ve published a book