I had hoped with great hope that I would be able to get everything organized and prepared for the start of the 2020 Sewing & Quilting Class season, but alas the time has gotten away. I am simply NOT READY YET!
We survived the Christmas season. I even made it through the wedding festivities that we had the pleasure of taking an active part in as the parents of the groom. Then as the wedding was over and things were starting to calm and clear again, I caught the dreaded respiratory bug (or cold) that was going around. My son and husband had it. I had hoped that I would clear it, but I tell fell to its buggy grasp.
Unfortunately, mine progressed and turned into a nasty sinus infection. That has slowed me to an almost halt this past week.
This is why I am simply not ready to get started – yet!
Working on Supply Kits
With the new method of class registration and student progression through the lessons, I am trying to stay very focused on the EASIEST WAY TO GET STARTED for each student. Parents most often appreciate this, especially if they are not sewists themselves.
I am in the process of preparing SUPPLY KITS for each course!
Currently, I will not be offering the option to pick supply colors and other preferences in each kit, but I hope that in the future I will be able to accommodate this in the future. As it is now, I will have several kits on-hand in the studio. When a student arrives for their first lesson in each course (Hand Sewing I, etc) they will select from the available supply kits on-hand. These will be kept in the studio until we use them.
No more worrying about if your child has the right supplies for class each week! Everything will be here waiting for them.
Working on Project Samples
One of the biggest things I want to finish up is PROJECT SAMPLES for each course. I feel this will give a better overview of what we will be working on and hopefully accomplishing with each course that you register for.
This does not seem like a big task for a seasoned seamstress. However, with each individual course, there are multiple projects completed. This is a daunting task for anyone to do in a very short amount of time.
The good news is that through t his process, I will be better able to assess if beginner students can easily complete the individual projects within our allotted class time. This is a good thing! This means that there are fewer unfinished projects coming home.
Classroom Sets of Required Equipment
To make sewing lessons easy on everyone, I will have a classroom set of all equipment and supplies here in the studio. No more lugging heavy and expensive equipment and supplies back and forth. Students can now come straight from work or school without having to manage all the crazy logistics of sewing machines and sewing scissors.
It is RECOMMENDED (even REQUIRED) that all students obtain their own equipment and supplies for use at home, but to get started they truly do not need anything! Learning to sew/quilt is like learning to play the piano. It takes practice! I expect students to practice. I will have extra supply kits available for purchase for at-home practice.
Registration Opens Mid-February
Registration for all sewing and quilting classes available in March 2020 will open mid-February 2020.
Please note that not all courses will be taught in March. I will rotate these based on demand. I will try to offer the Beginner I classes each month, but there are no guarantees.
In the future, registration will show classes offered up to 3 months at a time.
When registration opens, it will run until the week before the course is scheduled to start. This is so that classroom supplies can be prepared for your student’s arrival. This will also give you adequate time to obtain your student’s textbook if needed.
After-School Classes!
Stacey Sansom Designs will be offering its VERY FIRST round of After-School Classes!
For many students, they just cannot attend classes during regular operating hours at Stacey Sansom Designs. You’ve spoken and I’m trying to listen to your requests. I can’t grant them all, but I am trying to accommodate as many as possible.
I will run a trial round of after-school classes SOON! This will be held on Tuesday afternoon from 3:30-4:30 PM initially. Additional details will be coming soon.