Sewing lessons at Stacey Sansom Designs will be starting back up on September 3, 2019! This fall, you will find the addition of a few different classes to choose from. Emphasis will be on group classes, but private and semi-private classes will be available upon request on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Follow me on Facebook for the latest updates over the next couple of weeks. All updates will be posted there first. If for any reason I need to delay the start of registration, this will be posted on FB.
Class list update in progress
I am in the process of updating all the class information here on the website. Please be patient as these changes occur. The goal is to have all updates completed for all classes that are open for registration on August 1, 2019. If full information is not available at that time, registration will be delayed until it becomes available.
You can look forward to classes for children and adults. These classes will include some long term classes that run up to 12 weeks, shorter classes that run 4 weeks only, and crash courses that will run anywhere from 2-4 hours. Topics will now include both sewing and quilting.
Class availability
Please note due to time restraints and limitations NOT ALL CLASSES will be offered immediately or during every session. Some classes will have limited availability. Please make sure that you plan ahead to register for these classes. If classes are full, please contact me directly and I will add you to the waiting list.
Currently, classes are limited to daytime only with limited weekend classes. If there is a huge demand, I will open some afterschool classes. This will be based on demand.
Class start dates
Not all classes will begin in September. Some will be available on a rotating basis, so check back regularly for updates. Classes will be on a monthly or quarterly rotation.
Future registration
In the future, classes will open for registration quarterly. This schedule will run on a typical January-December annual quarter. Registration will open the 1st day of the quarter prior to the quarter you are enrolling in. Quarter 1 classes will register in quarter 4 of the previous year. Registration will close the 4th Friday of the month before classes start.