I am about to call it quits for the afternoon. Unfortunately, other tasks are calling me away for the rest of the afternoon. The good news is that today’s progress on the quilt I was working on was significant. That is what I wanted. Hopefully I can finish it tomorrow morning even though this afternoon’s appointments interfered with the original goal of completing it today.
I started with this…
This is actually half of the decorative panel in the quilt. It is twice the width of this.
The quilt is ready for the borders at this point. That is what makes for good progress. To be at this point is fantastic!
For those that are interested, I pulled my inspiration very loosely from this book.

In particular, it was from this quilt in the book…

This is a lovely book if anyone is looking for some great quilt patterns.
Obviously, my quilt is loosely following that quilt. I used it for inspiration mostly. I did, however, use the directions on how to do the pleated panel. I did modify them slightly as my panel was a little smaller than what the pattern suggested but outside of that, the directions were beautifully written.
Alright, it is confession time…

When I am working on quilts this size, I do pin!
I am not a big pinner, but when sewing large pieces together I find it useful. So, yes, I do pin – sometimes.
Today’s progress