Stacey Sansom Designs has been experiencing extended but intermittent server problems. We will continue to update you on the current server status. I am working feverishly to stay on top of the problem. Unfortunately, I do not know how long
Running smooth again
Thank you for your patience with our most recent problems. It seems that there were several things going on, but they all seem to be running smoothly now.
Experiencing server problems
Unfortunately, the final phases of the server migration did not go as well as hoped. Stacey Sansom Designs is experiencing technical difficulties currently. Please be patient as we are working on the problem. Only certain websites appear to be affected
Server migration is complete!
Thank you for your patience over the past week or so as Stacey Sansom Designs completed a server migration and upgrade process to help bring you easier access to certain services. I am pleased to announce that the migration went
Server migration continues today
Stacey Sansom Designs is completing the server migration process today. Please note that if your account has not already been migrated, you may experience intermittent outages today. They should only temporary. If they last more than a couple of hours,
Server migration begins
Stacey Sansom Designs will be doing server migration and upgrades TODAY. Please be patient if you experience website or email difficulties at any time throughout the day. It means SSD is hard at work to bring you a better experience.
Establishing a new direction
You will start to find this blog turn a new direction. This is a good thing. You will find things a lot more structured on a daily basis. Of course, there may be some growing pains as I start this
Changes coming
Stacey Sansom Designs will be moving its primary location of operations in the near future. This is due to an upcoming relocation to the greater Dallas Metro area. We appreciate your patience as we experience these business changes. What do