Stacey Sansom Designs | October Updates | New Fees

In all the chaos, the year has progressed very quickly. Somewhere, the past couple of months became a blur. This happens sometimes. Even our best efforts to slow down and reflect are mocked by time. It never stops. At any rate, I said I would be back at work on August 1, and here is how it has gone…

Return to Business

After graduating on July 25th, I had a very slow August. This was not a surprise since I was closed until August 1st. I returned sick with flared-up asthma. Utah and Idaho were not good for my asthma at all. I have been taking it one job at a time.

Fortunately, September picked up quite a bit, and October looks to be a bit busier.

Homecoming Season

As the high school homecoming season winds down here in North Texas, formal dresses will slow down. This year, I handled mostly slacks. I have to confess, while I welcome the formal dresses, it was a nice change. This allowed me to focus on some weaker skills and build confidence and speed in certain men’s tailoring aspects.

September and October are often busier months at Stacey Sansom Designs due to the frequency of high school dances with multiple schools in the area. Always plan accordingly if you have an event in either of these months.

New Fees

I have decided to implement FOUR (4) NON-NEGOTIABLE FEES for certain alterations. These are fees to help me maintain a level of cleanliness in the sewing studio and the surrounding areas. Want to avoid these fees? Be mindful when making apparel decisions.

  1. SEQUINS – $15.00
    All items containing sequins incur a $15.00 fee to cover needles, cleaning, and maintenance.
    Exceptions: The area of alteration does not have sequins
  2. GLITTER – $50.00-75.00
    All items with glitter will incur a $50.00-75.00 fee to cover cleaning and maintenance.
    Exceptions: None
  3. DIRTY ITEMS – $5.00*
    All items not washed before arrival will incur a $5.00 fee for washing.
    If an item is dry-clean only, you will be charged the $5.00 as an inconvenience fee PLUS the dry cleaning services. This may extend your completion date.
    Exceptions: None – Don’t be gross!
  4. STRIPPING of Fabric Softeners and Starches – $5.00
    Items requiring repair services on holes will incur this fee if fabric softeners and/or starching are in the items. Certain patching materials adhere to the garment’s existing material, they do not properly adhere when softeners and starches are present.
    Exceptions: Adhesive materials are not used

Why fees for these items?

The new fees are implemented as potential solutions to ongoing problems. I have avoided them until now, but the burden should not be left with me as the seamstress. The garment owner and wearer are responsible for preparing their items for alterations, repairs, and other services.

My responsibility is to return your items to you in the condition I received them – or better – as these are the services you are paying for.

  1. Sequins
    Sequins cause multiple broken needles. This added cost is being passed onto the customer.
    They also fall off when the garment is cut. These fall into machines that need to be cleaned and maintained. This cost is passed onto the customer because cleaning time reduces the time available for rendering services.
  2. Glitter
    Glitter goes everywhere. Period. It falls off, it sticks to stuff, it spreads. It stays behind when the violating garment is gone.
    This requires a thorough cleaning and extra maintenance of all machines used for the services rendered. This takes time.
    This added time cost is passed onto the customer because cleaning time reduces the time for rendering services. Every surface from entry to exit must be cleaned to prevent the spread of glitter to other customers’ items.
  3. Dirty Items
    DO NOT BE GROSS! If you wore it, clean it! Even when sweat has dried, the heat of the iron will bring that odor back out if not washed thoroughly. I frequently touch areas of the garment that are exposed to bodily fluids. Be respectful and mindful – wash the garments.
  4. Fabric Softeners and Starches
    These products may seem like a good idea, but they make my job more difficult. Please strip these out of garments requiring hole repairs to ensure your repair goes as planned and lasts as expected. The cost of time and supplies for laundering items is passed onto the customer.

Holiday Planning

The holidays are quickly approaching. Please plan accordingly!

There will be various closures at Stacey Sansom Designs for holiday time and other family celebrations for my mother’s memorial, college graduations, and anniversaries. All inquiries will be reminded of the following blackout dates and referred to another local service provider.

Black out dates for Stacey Sansom Designs include, but are not limited to:

  • October 14-20, 2024
  • November 24-30, 2024
  • December 7-26, 2024

No services will be taken that fall within these dates. If you need hems for the holiday parties purchase your items sooner rather than later!

October 2024 Updates
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