I am excited, my My Fabric Designs color matrix arrived last night. It is beautiful. So much color. It is going to be a lot of fun to work with it knowing exactly what the limitations are of the printer on the fabric.
The shipping package was simple – a bubble wrap padded envelope. It was what I found inside that made the experience pleasurable.
The package inside was enclosed in a plastic bag with my order information on the outside. I was impressed. “Double bagging” is perfect for those times when the mail carrier delivers a package that looks like Freddy Kruger got his hands on it. This also helps protect the fabric from the various weather elements that are common in Texas.
Once I got into the second envelope, I found a pleasantly wrapped package. I could not help but crack a smile at what I was looking at. They did not just print the fabric and then ship it, they took care with packaging it for delivery. I am impressed. I am hoping that each future order will be as pleasant to open as this one was.
Enclosed with the fabric where a sheet with my order details. There was no mistaking what I bought, it was right there on the paper. More impressive, however, was the “care instruction” card that was included with the order. It tells me how to wash the fabric for best results, right down to using a phosphate free detergent. The best part is that the insert included directions for all the fabrics, not just the one that I ordered. Great reference card.
I had my cute little helper, Lance, hold it up so that I could gaze on it. I was smiling the whole time. I was happy about the vividness of the colors. I am excited to see that they do in fact have good coverage. I am even happier knowing how wide the color ranges are.
I am very impressed with the feel of the fabric. It is so soft and smooth. I am pleased. It will be lovely to sew on. It will make a beautiful quilt even more pleasing because the fabric feels so nice. I had to sit there and rub it and just touch it.
Here is a close-up of some of the colors. Obviously, the colors are skewed due to the lighting in the room, but you can see that there is a nice range of colors. I love this particular part of the matrix – happy and bright cheery colors!
I am inspired by just looking at it. It is beautiful!
My only complaint about this order is that there was some double sided tape that was used to hold the fabric in its nicely folded form. At least, I assume that is what it was used for. It was not wide, but it did not come off. I have a couple inches on the edge of the fabric now that have a 1/4″ strip of double sided tape stuck on it.
That aside, I saw no flaws in the fabric except for the fact that it was not cut straight. That is not so much a complaint as I want to point out that it is no different than any fabric you buy in the store, often cut crooked because of the way it was folded width-wise.
Overall I am impressed with My Fabric Designs thus far. I cannot wait to get my official fabric designs printed!
Make sure you check out my newly released fabric collection:
Who else has ordered from My Fabric Designs?
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