This is not exactly a mood board post, but due to the nature of my ability to get to the long-arm studio, I am working away at getting projects finished.
It is unfortunate that we are not going to get all 4 quilts completed on this trip to visit the long-arm quilting studio at Kathy’s Needle and Thread.
Today we had to take a detour and find parts for the Gammill Long-Arm Quilting Machine. Fortunately, while the parts were not close by they were not a super far distance either. It did, however, mean a quick trip to Texas Quilt Machines in Spring, Texas.
It was as quick of a trip as we could make it. The drive time is roughly 25-30 minutes. It is attached to a cute little quilt shop with amazing fabric prices. This meant that I was losing a couple of hours doing something other than quilting. The possibility of getting the 4th quilt on the machine today was quickly disappearing.
The good news is that the replacement parts have helped improve the efficiency and reliability of the quilting. That is fantastic news! We were able to get back to work with minimal problems.
I did have to work with the existing mood created with this quilt before it became an UFO. I did not have enough fabric to complete the borders on this quilt. I did have some remaining squares used to create the Disappearing 9-Patch Blocks. I did not have enough to go all the way around the quilt. Fortunately, a nice white border does not scare me even though this is going to a younger child. I personally think that the white helps the quilt pop.
I am excited that we did get 3 of the 4 quilts that I brought down with me on the machine and completed. Alas, I am needed back in the Dallas area again. It is time for me to return home for a while.
Now keep in mind that I will not be sitting idly by. Time back in my own studio means that I have time to sit and sew and create more. Keep your eye out for more projects underway.