Thank you for your patience over the past week or so as Stacey Sansom Designs completed a server migration and upgrade process to help bring you easier access to certain services.
I am pleased to announce that the migration went fairly smoothly. There was only a couple of small glitches that I know of as of right now.
Loss of data was minimized
Fortunately, it looks like the only data loss we suffered in the whole mess was suffered by me here at Stacey Sansom Designs and not by anyone else. No one else has reported any loss of data at least at this point. That is the good news.
I managed to recover, manually, the week worth of data loss that my site suffered. It was not a huge loss overall, just an inconvenient one with me having to backtrack the past couple of days to recover everything. Everything should be back up and running as it was before I started today’s changes by the end of the weekend.
You need to reset your email programs
If you have email accounts associated with your domain(s) and have been actively using them via the “web mail” interface online, you are good to go. No action should be required on your part. There may be some new features available to you as a perk of the server migration, but I am not aware of any as of yet.
If you have email accounts associated with your domains(s) and have been checking them via other email programs on your computer (Outlook, Apple Mail, etc) or via mobile devices (iPad, cell phones, etc) you will need to fix your settings on each of the devices that you check your email on. This will also be the case if you have imported the email and routed it through another email server somewhere. Double check those settings.
The primary account handler for the domain has been sent the information for settings to be used in most instances.
That is where we get to the other glitch I experienced. I had to tweak the settings a tiny bit to find the right settings for one of my devices. If you are changing settings on any of your devices and you are still experiencing problems, please call me even if it is the weekend. Please do not call me in a hurry Monday morning. I am not 100% proficient in all settings for all devices. It may take trial and error on some devices. Please be patient and call me when you have a few minutes to sit down at each device. At the very least we can get at least 1 device up and running and return to work on another device at another time.
What this migration means to you
For most of you, it only means I will be able to maintain low prices without raising rates for your monthly hosting plans. At least that is the case in your current website settings.
The largest benefit will be if anyone needs website updates in the future. There will be easier and quicker access to certain services. These services are currently only used by a couple of customers and with the increasing costs of some of these “pass through” services, I will be able to keep your monthly costs fairly low even with significant upgrades. That is the bonus for everyone whether they are using these services currently or will need them in the future.
The server should in theory be faster. It is newer and has a bit more spunk than the hardware than the server I was using previously. That is a bonus for everyone.