I did not want to completely update the website and its look this weekend, but I have been left no choice thanks to a bit of a hosting snafu. Please be patient with the changes as they occur over the next couple of weeks.
Why so long?
Many of you know that I went back to school in 2018-2019. While I took time off for the pandemic, I started back this Fall and it has been a wild ride adjusting back to the routine. I took a newly designed Social Media Marketing class and it was an absolute time suck due to a poorly written curriculum and vague instructions, but it is almost over.
I am going into finals week at BYU-Idaho this week so I do not have time to focus on it much more until after classes are out.
Then it is the holidays. I am a big holiday person and usually, I have my trees up and fully decorated by now. They are up, but not decorated. I need to focus on this as soon as finals are done. This is for my own sanity.
What’s the goal?
My goal is to have the site back up and running fully by January 1, 2022. Please note that this is only a goal and not set in stone.
I am still undecided on changing hosting companies entirely. I have been having problems for a few months and it escalated the last couple of weeks. This week, the camel’s back was broken by the fact that this site went down over 12 times in less than 24-hours. That is completely unacceptable.
Their solution was to suspend my account so I could not make any changes for at least 8-hours. The biggest problem right now is that I am having problems backing up all the websites involved because they have throttled it so much. They had server issues last month and I fear this is just a carry-over of these problems.
Be patient!
I have taken steps to get the website stable even if it means turning off the e-commerce portion and online booking.
Over the next little while, I will be restructuring the website and making just work better for server load and from a usability standpoint. If you see changes and it appears something is broken, don’t panic. It is probably me making changes in real-time even though it is not the best method.
As always, have a sewing good time!