Offering alterations and minor repairs to everyone! See the basic charges and fee schedule for the most common alterations and repairs. Drop me a message today.

Please note the below are estimates only. All prices are subject to change.

Alteration Pricing

General Alterations$25 per hour
Hems – Pants$16-20
Lining extra
Hems – Skirt
Per layer
Hems – Skirt
Per layer
Current prices as of 09/16/2024

Repair Pricing

General Repairs$25 per hour
Average Zipper Repair on Pants or Skirt90-minutes $37.50 plus zipper cost
Average Zipper Repair on Dress or Coat120-minutes
$50.00 plus zipper cost
Zipper Cost$5-10 (varies on zipper type and size)
Current prices as of 09/16/2024

Rush Fee

All alterations and/or repairs requesting less than a 3-business day turnaround will be charged a rush fee.

$50.00 flat fee

Wash Fee

All items brought to Stacey Sansom Designs for sewing services MUST BE CLEAN of all animal hair, body funk, and strong smells.

Any item not meeting these specifications will incur a non-refundable washing fee. This is to either clean your items before services are rendered and/or to cover the cleaning and maintenance of machines.

$5.00 per item

THIS FEE IS NON-NEGOTIABLE! If you have animals, smoke, or diffuse essential oils (to name a few), please wash and dry your items, gently fold them, and immediately seal them in a zippered plastic bag. You can purchase 2-3 gallon bags in the paper goods aisle at any discount or grocery store.